Friday, 6 March 2009

Email campaign to protest attacks on women in Karnataka

There's a group of Facebook called "A Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women", which was formed when Muthalik and his goons going by the name of Shri Ram Sene assaulted women in a pub, as it was against "Indian culture". This consortium first started a campaign to send "Pink Chaddis" which caught the fancy of several people and had a resounding success. Today, I guess there are more than 54,000 members of this Facebook group. Some days back - after inaction from the police department and concerned ministries even after several attacks on women in Bangalore and Mangalore – there was a fresh campaign to send emails to the Home Minister and the Police Departments. Sadly, the response to this campaign has been very poor.


Concerned citizens are urged to send emails or letters to the respective departments. The addresses are mentioned in the blog as well as on the Facebook discussion forum, "Email campaign". The Facebook forum also has some draft emails which can be personalised and utilised. The draft letter and the addresses of the concerned departments are also available here at Shakti Bose's blog. Make sure you send a cc of all the emails to, to enable the consortium to keep track of the emails.