After visits in and around the Gandhi
- Why is there no PHC in Jalund village?
- Why is there no ST service in Moti Adraj?
- Why are there no toilets in Borij?
- Why has a tank in Ghatlodia - that is said to have cost Rs. 60 lakhs- never had a drop of water?
- Why are there only 32 polling booths for 2 lakh people in Juhapura?
- Why are there no gutters in Borisana?
- Why is NREGA not applicable in Sonawada?
- Why do villagers in Gokulpura have to walk a 15 km circuitous route when a 3 km road could ease their transport problems?
It would be too simple to answer all these questions with "Its because the local authorities are inefficient". Of course, there is a certain level of inefficiency that is only too obvious to those who talk to villagers around Gandhi
Mallika Sarabhai, independent candidate from Gandhi
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